Lord, I voted today.

While I’m convinced I made the clear and right choices—what is best for our country—I am also aware that millions of other Americans voted just the opposite from me, and they are equally convinced they made the right choice that will get our country on the right path. As I pray that my candidate wins so that our country can move forward, they are praying that their candidate wins so that our country can move forward.

When the polling places are closed on November 3, one of us will be disappointed. Sorely disappointed. So, Lord, whether we’re jumping up and down in jubilation on November 4 or saddened at the thought that our country is headed down the toilet, help us all to remember one thing:

You are still God. You are still on Your throne.

My ultimate leader is not whoever is president; you are my leader. No one votes You out of office. My trust is not in a person, a party, or the democratic republic we live in; my trust is in You. Therefore, give me the attitude and words to respond appropriately.

If my candidate wins …

  • … keep me from gloating. Let me accept this victory with a large dose of humility and graciousness toward those whose candidate lost.
  • … guide the political victor in the choices he makes. Lead him to surround himself by and listen to the counsel of wise men and women.

If my candidate loses …

  • … keep me from resorting to weeping and gnashing of teeth. Instead of becoming a prophet of doom, show me how to make the best of the situation.
  • … show me how to work for what is right.

I lift my church to You—and I lift the Church (capital C church) to You. Keep us from making politics, policies, or political parties our god and our mission. Bring us back to the work of Your kingdom—Your eternal kingdom that will not change in four years.

  • Remind us that, while we may want government and society to work for justice, You are the God of justice, and acts of justice and righteousness must begin in the lives of Your followers.
  • Remind us that civility in society begins with Your followers loving others—even opponents—unconditionally.
  • Remind us that the ultimate way to change society happens as the hearts of individuals are transformed by the gospel of Christ.

May churches and individual believers not be identified by whether they wave a red flag or a blue flag; may we be seen first and foremost as the people of God who love those around us. May You be seen, known, and glorified—regardless of who sits in the Oval Office.


“A king’s heart is like channeled water in the Lord’s hand: He directs it wherever he chooses” (Prov. 21:1).

“God is enthroned above the circle of the earth; its inhabitants are like grasshoppers. He stretches out the heavens like thin cloth and spreads them out like a tent to live in. He reduces princes to nothing and makes judges of the earth like a wasteland” (Isa. 40:22-23).

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